A tale recounting the milestones of the ancient relationship between humanity and nature: from the moment we humans joined nature in hunter-gatherer societies, through the transition to agriculture, the appearance of social classes, slavery, the industrial revolution, and right up to modern scientific developments and the digital age. The musical lecture provides a fresh perspective on climate change and explores the challenges we face today because of it.
Integrating knowledge from wide-ranging academic fields including prehistory, anthropology, sociology, economical history, sustainability, and more, the performance is interspersed with popular love songs.
Live accompaniment by pianist and guitarist
Dan Bar-Yaacov.
Understanding the implications of climate change often leads to confusion and panic. Therefore, it is sometimes ignored, denied, or aggressively opposed by powerful lobbies and corporations who are invested in maintaining the status quo.
Using the framework of a failed love affair that needs rescuing is an intuitive way to convey the importance of saving humanity's future on Planet Earth. This framework rejects the polarizing approach that pits us against nature; it helps us understand that this is a partnership we need to cultivate, and creates openness to the global and local processes of activism that must be enacted and implemented.
The text is based on the research of many scholars in many different fields, including Dr. Daniel Naveh, Professor Lior Grossmans, Dr. Karni Lotan Marcus, Professor Gal Ventura, Professor Ron Milo, Professor Michael Zakim, Dr. Ami Vatury, Dr. Eran Fisher, Dr. Ofer Sitbon, Professor Ayelet Shavit, and Professor Michal Krumer-Nevo.
Giving visual expression to the affair between nature and humanity was an essential part of the creative process. The original format and content needed a graphical framework, so I collaborated with graphic designer and illustrator
Ori Sofer, who created a visual language to bring the text to life.